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Caring for You.
Caring for Me.

Caring for You, Caring for Me is a series of five interactive, evidence-informed workshops that meets virtually via Zoom from 6:00-8:15pm EST,  beginning Thursday, July 28, then Tuesdays and Thursdays through August 11, 2022. 




Register to join IAWH for a virtual education and support program developed by the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers.

Program Goals

This education and support program provides caregivers with an opportunity to: 

  • gain information on various topics related to caregiving, 

  • learn methods of coping with the stresses and strains of being a caregiver, 

  • learn what resources are available to them, 

  • discover ways of working together to reduce some of the frustrations and barriers they face in their roles; and  

  • share common concerns with fellow caregivers.

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Who Should Attend and Why?

Family, friends, relatives, neighbors, and volunteer caregivers who currently, or in the future, provide care and assistance or support to people with physical illness or disabilities, developmental disabilities, mental illness, or addictive diseases.  - The Caring for You, Caring for Me virtual program evaluations show the following: - Pre-test, 90% of caregivers report needing to improve skills in solving problems and accessing resources, and 75% report a moderate to high need to improve their confidence in caregiving skills.  - Post-test, 78% report their confidence levels as either very good or excellent-a substantial increase in caregiver confidence. The two highest areas of impact reported have been being better equipped to take care of oneself and gaining knowledge of community resources.  - Based on evaluations, caregivers continue to report reduced isolation, increased confidence in their caregiving responsibilities, and increased ability to manage their own health care. - Nearly 100% of caregivers reported that they would recommend this program to others.


The interactive Caring for You, Caring for Me, series will be facilitated by Karen Marshall, a former caregiver and interventionist trained at the Rosalynn Carter Institute Training Center for Excellence.

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Topics Covered

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Session 1: What It Means to Be a Caregiver.

This session is designed to introduce the program to participants, help them develop a broader understanding of caregiving, and to provide an opportunity for sharing caregiving experiences with one another.

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Session 2: Taking Care of Yourself.

Caregiving has been associated with a higher risk of negative health outcomes. In this session, participants identify ways to care for themselves while also caring for others.

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Session 3: Building Cooperative Relationships.

Caregiving involves a minimum of three people: a care receiver, a family caregiver, and a professional caregiver. This session focuses on understanding and building cooperative relationships between family and professional caregivers.

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Session 4: Preventing and Solving Problems.

This session will help participants understand and apply a problem-solving model to many types of caregivers' situations and problems.   

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Session 5: Accessing and Developing Resources.

This session is designed to help caregivers understand barriers that may prevent them from accessing resources, to help them develop strategies for navigating the professional system of care and services, and to learn about resources available in their communities. 

Image by Sergey Zolkin
Registration Details.

Pre-registration (for the entire virtual five-session series) is required. 

IAWH reserved 25 seats for these unique sessions that are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, so please register as soon as possible. 


Register for all sessions - Attendees are registered to all occurrences and will get confirmation and reminder emails for each session. 


The Caring for You, Caring for Me webinar meets five (5) times.


  • Thurs, July 28, 2022 6:00-8:15 pm EST

  • Tues, August 2, 2022 6:00-8:15 pm EST

  • Thurs, August 4, 2022 6:00-8:15 pm EST

  • Tues, August 9, 2022 6:00-8:15 pm EST

  • Thurs, August 11, 2022 6:00-8:15 pm EST


Cost: $20 covers the cost for all five sessions (for this promotion only). 


Please Note: Limited spaces are available. Participant interaction is an essential part of the program. Due to the nature and structure of each session, recordings and make-up sessions are unavailable if a participant misses a session, and we cannot offer refunds. 




By clicking this button you submit your information to the webinar organizer who will use it to communicate with you regarding this event and their other services.

“I’m already feeling less lonely as a caregiver. I’m feeling very grateful for the opportunity being given us through this program.”

“I am extremely thankful for having had the opportunity to attend this workshop. It makes me realize that I am not struggling with caregiving by myself; that there are ways and resources available to meet the challenge; that I need a certain amount of caregiving myself; and that it is important to the effectiveness of my responsibility.”

“You’ve touched the real emotions caregivers experience and identified positive steps to be taken for growth."

Selected Comments from Past Program Participants

Selected Comments from Past Program Participants

More about the Rosalynn Carter Institute and the Caring for You, Caring for Me program.

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The Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers (RCI) was established in 1987, rooted in former First Lady Rosalynn Carter’s belief that there are only four types of people in the world: those who have been caregivers, who are caregivers, who will be caregivers, and who will need caregivers. RCI was established at Georgia Southwestern State University in her honor.


RCI's Caring for You, Caring for Me program is informed by a number of studies finding that caregivers need information about various aspects of their roles, as well as support from and linkage to their caregiving peers.

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