You’ve heard the saying that “everyone has a story”, right? We all have a story, but which one inside of you do you want to share - to empower other women on their health journey?
IAWH's Advancing Her Health Through Stories is based on conversations with women who shared their stories with us, and confirmed its critical link to women connecting, building, and growing stronger in their health journey. In addition, health promotion research shows that storytelling that uses videos, letters, and newsletters is highly effective in educating and motivating women around certain health topics.

Writing, or Video submissions: You will write up to 800 words (no less than 500 words), OR record a video of 3 minutes or less.
Use a word processing program to draft and finalize you story. Yes, even your video submission should first be written and edited before you go before the camera – trust us – you’ll be glad that you did. Here are few tips for developing your video on a smartphone that was created in 2016, but informative nonetheless.
Reaching out to you Phase I: After submission, within 48 hours you will receive an email from IAWH confirming receipt of your submission.
Reaching out to you Phase II: Within two weeks from submission, you will receive an email confirming if we have questions, or the date when your story will be posted to the IAWH website.
What type of stories do people want to experience?Authentic. Pure and personal. Heart-delivered make great Advancing Her Health Through stories. If you’ve had Ah-ha moments in your life/health journey, like when you first realized that you mom was beginning to “forget” things, or when you found out that walking was your thing (not the gym). The day that you received a diagnosis that would change your life forever; or the story when you first found out you were pregnant, or that day when finally you brought home the child that was to be yours to love and raise. What is your story? Women want to learn from your story. Just keep it clean (and helpful to someone else).
Who will read or listen to my story?People who are interested in learning from others will listen to your story. Women, men, girls and boys will learn from your story. For this reason, stories that we deem offensive to anyone’s race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation will not be posted. We encourage stories that are as diverse as the world in which we live, and therefore will not accept a story that does not align with these principles.
Can I mention other people’s names or other personal information?Due to IAWH’s privacy guidelines, we do not accept personal stories that include names other than yourself - even if it relates to your story. However, you are free to submit your story anonymously – or change your name. Be creative in describing your children, significant other, family and friends. If you have a website or social media platform where your story goes into more detail, you are welcome to include it. However, please do not focus the Advancing Her Health story on promotion. If upon review of your story we find this is the case, we email you with our finding, and suggest that you resubmit within six- 12-months.
I don’t see an FAQ related to my question. How can I get in touch with you?Please email us at advancingherhealth@gmail.com to ask questions about the Advancing Her Health stories.
Share your Story
Share your story here, or email your video to IAWH.